Cool IT News 51

Cool IT News 51

Do you admit that you could not sleep last night? Yes! The next bunch of the freshest stuff that happened in the IT last week are right here!

Twitter has double characters

Twitter has decided to make a radical step. To redraw at least part of desperate Facebook users and increase its revenue, it changed the maximum number of characters from the original 140 characters to twice. Existing users are rebellious, some may come to the streets, who knows. But if Twitter makes a better position in the social networking world by this step, nobody dare to estimate it. More information

Amazon comes to Czechia

After years of ignoring of Czech retailers and customers, Amazon suddenly decided to change the distribution in our country and overwhelm local e-commerce scene. Newly it offers its services also in Czech language and with free transport to the Czech Republic, so far from the German shop Whether we will finally see, this is the question. It is certain, however, that the guys from Amazon did not choose this time only by chance during the pre-Christmas period.

New Slax in the next week

Tomáš Matějíček, a great hacker and guru, has announced that his distribution Slax will be released on November 16. It will be based on Debian and Fluxbox. The new Slax will traditionally be a big break. And that’s it! More information

Important security vulnerabilities

Damned USB

Andrej Konovalov, Google employee, has found 79 security flaws in the kernel USB drivers. Great, right? Meanwhile, 22 of them have been fixed, the rest is waiting. Anyway, we only recommend to update. More information

Intel ME

The Positive Technologies reveals that Intel Management Engine can be used to attack most of computers younger than 10 years (i.e. those built on IME). This is a critical flaw with the possibility of remote abuse. More information

News from Coolhousing

News from Coolhousing

Real Redundant Connectivity

Last week, we informed you about the perfectly managed maintenance by Core-Backbone. The event was announced in advance, however this situation had happened again, however this time without any warning and by Dial Telecom week later. And the result? See the charts below. As you can see, again, Coolhousing Data Center redundant connetivity is not only promise or monkey business, now even without warning!

Transit graph

Author: Jirka Dvořák

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