When data backup space is needed

External data storage - server

External storage for large data

For low intensity projects up to 1 TB capacity, when response speed or the number of disk operations are not vital for you, we have a reliable solution in the form of shared and secure data storage.

If you are looking for space for backups or need more space for your virtual server, secure and reliable external storage with disks in RAID configuration is exactly what you need.

Share storage benefits

FTPS, SMB and NFS support.
No requirements for management.
Easy to use with multiple user permissions and rights settings.

Safety first

Storage is encrypted with a public/private key, protected by an access name, password and access restriction from specific IP address from our network.

How to order storage?

You can order shared external data storage straight from our order form as part of our VPS, dedicated and managed servers or colocation services.

Pricelist of data storage

External data storage Price

Capacity 25 GB

€ 2 /month

Capacity 50 GB

€ 3,60 /month

Capacity 100 GB

€ 6,40 /month

Capacity 150 GB

€ 8,40 /month

Capacity 250 GB

€ 12,80 /month

Capacity 500 GB

€ 19,60 /month
External data storage Price

Capacity 25 GB

€ 2 /month

Capacity 50 GB

€ 3,60 /month

Capacity 100 GB

€ 6,40 /month

Capacity 150 GB

€ 8,40 /month

Capacity 250 GB

€ 12,80 /month

Capacity 500 GB

€ 19,60 /month
Do you need bigger storage?

Check out our professional NAS storage that will meet all your needs