Do you like the speed? Do you want to try out, what faster is? Whether our dedicated server or red Ferrari? Do you require a bulletproof protection? Is our Anti-DDoS defense impenetrable as same as a tank? Or do you rather prefer the flexibility of a virtual server, which will be your guide in a extravagant virtual world? All these you can enjoy with the cool summer event by Coolhousing Data Center!
The luxurious ride in Ferrari, ride in armoured vehicle or unforgettable virtual reality experience waits on selected customers every month until mid-October 2017. Every experience is associated with one of our services: fast dedicated server with dynamic ride in the Ferrari, impenetrability and security of the amoured vehicle with bulletproof protection of Anti-DDoS and flexibility of virtual servers is related to extraordinary experience in the virtual reality!
What is needed to do?
Every month, three customers, whose ordered and paid the largest amount for dedicated servers, virtual servers or Anti-DDoS protection services in the certain month, win one of the above experience. Cool summer event will be ended by October 15.
3 services = 3 experiences
Dedicated server – ride in Ferrari
Anti-DDoS protection – ride in armoured vehicle
Virtual server – special experience in virtual reality
Information for winners
Selected clients will be contacted by email or telephone.
Event validity
From July 15 to October 15, 2017.
Speed, security and flexibility. These are three qualities of services of Coolhousing data center. Order one of the above services and enjoy the cool summer experience!
Conditions of event
The “Cool Summer Experiences with Coolhousing data center” event could be apply only by order services within dedicated servers, virtual servers and Anti-DDoS protection from July 15 to October 15, 2017. The event will be evaluated at the half of the every month and customers with the highest paid amount in the certain period for one of the above services will receive one of three experience. The validity of the event is 3 months, thus every month one client gets one experience in the form of:
a) ride in sport car Ferrari, if order and pay for service dedicated server
b) ride in armoured army vehicle, if order and pay for service Anti-DDoS
c) experience in virtual reality, if order and pay for service virtual server
Each experiences is not possible to change, nor combine. If client is not interested in given experience within 10 days from contacting by phone or email, this experience will be cancelled. Experience can not be transfered to another business entity and will be given to a specific name or company name. By participating in the experience, the client agrees with making a video recording from this event.
If the contacted person is interested in taking part in the event, Coolhousing will provide all the information and background to make the experience happen by the end of 2017. The graphic illustrations used in the promotional materials are indicative and could be different in color or design from reality.