News from the world of IT (19. 6. – 26. 6. 2015)
Say goodbye to virtual sex. You can look forward to a bloody carving or you can subscribe to Spotify and connect to the twenty million other users of this service.
Zuckerberg doesn´t want to virtual sex
Some time ago Facebook became the owner of the project Oculus Rift, whose promising career began on Kickstarter. Although the software should be developed for him as open, Mark Zuckerberg now announced that he wants to adequately control the content and he defined against sexual content. It seems that hope for a wild virtual sex got lost and we will have to make do with wives.:-) More information
Legend of all legends comes to life – DOOM comes
The game, which is in memory of every people, who sat down to the computer in the 90s, is slowly returning. We are talking about groundbreaking shooter DOOM, which meant a substantial transformation in action games. The re-entry is planned for spring 2016. DOOM hasn´t serial number and therefore we can speculate that it will be a modern remake of original DOOM. Are you looking forward? More information
Spotify has over 20 million users
For more than 20 million users became subscribes of the Spotify service for streaming music. Though many competitors (in the top with overpriced Apple Music) appear in the market, valuation of project Spotify still grow up. This valuation exceeds whopping eight billion US dollars, about two hundred billion CZK. Nothing is indicative of a change of this trend in the near future. More information
Critical security flaw threatens (not only) iPhones and iPads
Critical security flaw threatens Apple mobile devices, iPhones and iPads. This flaw was discovered and reported to Apple a few months ago, but still developers haven´t correct it. This error hereat allows an attacker to gain access to any stored passwords or these passwords circumvent. The same flaw is also present in desktop enviroment OS X. More information
Author: Jirka Dvořák