News from the world of IT (28. 11. – 5. 12. 2014)
The black Friday is here and a big sales HW and SW with him. TP-Link introduced a new omnidirectional wifi router with 802.11 ac. Sony Pictures servers were under massive attact. These information are the main news of the last week.
Black Friday – Feast of dealers SW and HW
Sellers of all goods are trying to catch every opportunity when they can bring on the wave of a festival or event. Abroad is a tradition that sellers cheapen on Black Friday. Now this tradition gets to us too. Apple brought it here and it follows by Czech Computer and many others. If you don´t allure to buy a hardware, you can choose companies like EA, which offer their gaming hits for brutally low prices. So come quickly to the cheap shopping! More information
TP-Link introduced Archer C20i
One of the largest manufacturers of wireless routers, TP-Link company, now introduced a new omnidirectional router Archer C20i with assistance of standard Wi-Fi 802.11 ac. This standard pushes the previous standards and it became the successor 802.11 n. His support offers a growing range of devices and internet service providers. Therefore the TP-Link comes with a solution which 802.11 ac effectively spread throughout the apartment, house or office. More information
Sony Picturec under attack
Publicly known attacks on known media recently increasing. The magazine Forbes or some of the key US newspapers have become their victims. The group of hackers (crackers accurately) that calls #GOP, attacked servers of Sony Pictures company last week. It turned out, the company´s employees participated on the attacks. It is called Inside job. Motive of attackers are still investigating, but is is clear that is is one of the most significant recent attacks. More information
Genius introduced X-G300
Genius is among the largest and most important manufacturer of peripherals. Its mice and joysticks have become synonymous of quality and reliability over the years. Now it has another innovation for us. This is superfast mouse X-G300 with motive of backlit lightning that has evoked its extraordinary speed. Mouse offers a maximum resolution “only“ 2000 dpi, but also would have to excel its ergonomics and especially price. This is obviously about gaming mouse, but abreast with a price around 450 CZK is available. More information
Author: Jirka Dvořák